Facebook Live For real Estate ?

With so many people self-isolating at the moment, it’s become more important than ever to offer our clients virtual ways to view homes through tools like Facebook Live. How can we bring attention to our Facebook Live videos - and will we still be offering these kinds of virtual tours once COVID-19 has come to pass? How can we create videos that resonate with our audiences and set us apart from our competitors?

Takeaways + Tactics

Advertising is vital in raising awareness for our brands. Put some ad dollars behind live videos to ensure they’re high up on people’s feeds.

Even after COVID-19 has come to pass, people will want to have the option to see homes virtually - so use this time to embrace and master the process of creating virtual tours.

Don’t try to create the ‘perfect’ live video: people are drawn to authenticity. With so many options available to our customers, being ourselves is really the only thing that can set us apart in a saturated market.


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